Article #647

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posted by sakurai on August 23, 2023 #647





時間は$t$=1e4まで、$\tau$=1000, $\lambda$=0.001、$K_\text{MPF}$=0.8のとき、$\frac{1}{t}Q(t)$のグラフを赤で描いてください。


# Update the parameters
tau = 1000
K_MPF = 0.8

# Redefine t_values to range from 0 to 1e4
t_values = np.linspace(0, 1e4, 1000)

# Calculate Q(t) for different values of t, choosing the appropriate value of i for each t
Q_values = [Q(t, int(t/tau)) if t != 0 else 0 for t in t_values]

# Calculate 1/t * Q(t) for different values of t
Q_t_values = [Q_val/t if t != 0 else 0 for t, Q_val in zip(t_values, Q_values)]

# Plot the function 1/t * Q(t)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(t_values, Q_t_values, label="1/t * Q(t)", color="red")
plt.xlabel("Time (t)")
plt.ylabel("1/t * Q(t)")
plt.title("Graph of 1/t * Q(t) with τ = 1000, λ = 0.001 and K_MPF = 0.8")

図647.1 $\frac{1}{t}Q(t)$のグラフ


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